Beth El Cemetery - 2720 Pillette Road, Windsor
Jewish Funerals in the Windsor Community are arranged through community Funeral Coordinators.
Funeral Coordinators: 519-564-6788 (24hrs)
Beth El office: 519-969-2422 or
In the Windsor Community, arrangements for Jewish funerals and burials are made through the Jewish Funeral Coordinators.
When a death occurs, they can be reached 24/7 on the funeral line 519-564-6788. The coordinators will work with the family through the process of planning for the funeral and burial and all that entails.
Alternately if the Beth El Office line is contacted at 519-969-2422 there is always an emergency number on the answering machine to reach Hazzan Devorah Fick or the Office Administrator Sarah Shklov.
Hazzan Devorah Fick will work with the family to provide support and to plan the funeral and shiva details. The funeral coordinators work with Hazzan Devorah and the family to arrange all the details including transportation, preparation, notices, regulatory permits and final resting place.
Funerals may be held at the Rachel Kaplan Memorial Chapel at Aylmer, in the Congregation Beth El Sanctuary or graveside.
Congregation Beth El maintains its own cemetery at 2720 Pillette Rd. in Windsor.
The cemetery was opened to provide a final resting place for members of the congregation; and they are allowed to purchase plots at reduced rates. Others who are Jewish by birth or conversion may also be buried in the Beth El cemetery.
By law, 40% of the paid price of the plot goes into a trust for care and maintenance of the cemetery. The interest from these funds is used to pay the annual costs of maintenance. Since only the interest and not the capital of this fund can be used for cemetery upkeep, a cemetery improvement fund has also been designated with donor contributions.
Funerals and burials in the Congregation Beth El Cemetery are under license by the B.A.O. (Bereavement Authority of Ontario).